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Straight Shootin' Book Reviews


Officer Breaks the Rules

The Officer Breaks The Rules - Jeanette Murray This was a highly anticipated read for me. I love Ms. Murray and her books! I had mixed feelings throughout this book. Jeremy was a frustrating character for me, almost hard to like at times. BUT- much further into the story we find out his conflict and why he continuously (kind of) holds himself back from Madison. And God Bless Madison, she knew how deep he could get into his own head and she knew when to let him be. And then we have Dwayne and Veronica getting to know each other via Skype while he is deployed. I LOVED this secondary plot! I need to go back to the first book to remind myself of the details of Veronica and her past. But now... I can't believe I have wait until JULY to get their story. Ms. Murray, YOU ARE KILLING ME but in a good way... I guess.